Redesigning ManageBac

A concept to improve the already existing online school platform ManageBac to help students & their parents.
UX Research | UI Design | Brand Illustrations

Project Overview

ManageBac is the leading online learning platform for IB world schools. ManageBac enables efficient curriculum planning, assessment and reporting, while eliminating paperwork and enhancing communication to parents and students. It allows our students to communicate with teachers more efficiently. Its a fully dunctioning online school. In this project I tried to make managing classwork, homework, teachers’ feedback, worksheets, school presentations – a little more simplified and organized than the prevalent system. I re- architected the ManageBac student dashboard . This case study focuses on the assignment management portion of the project.
Client: Self – Initiated
Timeline: 2 months
My Role: Sole researcher and designer
Tools: Pen and paper, Photoshop, illustrator, Figma

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